Thursday, August 16, 2007

What type of gamer are you? (this is not a quiz that leads to stuff you can paste on your blog)

Nintendo Love

As intelligent and academic as Chris Bateman's Nine Basic Types of Gamers is, I find myself more moved, and (as expected from Destructoid) more entertained by David Houghton's Guide to Recognizing Your Gamers series.

If you'd rather describe a Gamer by patterns of play, emotions, and terms derived from Temperament Theory, then I highly suggest you read Bateman's work. I for one, think that I count as a Manager/Wanderer in Bateman's classification.

Anyhow, if you'd rather use direct and "descriptive" terms like back-seat gamer, PC snob, chavs, japanophile, and fanboy then check out Houghton's stuff using the links below.

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